Thursday, August 22, 2013

Technology Resources on Learnist

First, for all of the new teachers at Oak and Sherwood...welcome to Shrewsbury! We are the Technology Teacher Leaders (TTLs) for Oak and try our best to send out "tech tips" that we think will be helpful in the classroom. Tech Tips from the last few years can all be found on our blog. If you have any tech-related questions, please feel free to send us an email!

Since Derek and I are no longer the Oak yearbook advisors (position is still up for grabs!), we hope to have more free time to blog this year. Please contact us if you have a tech tip request or, even better, if you would like to become a contributor to this blog. We still don't have the 1-to-1 iPad program in the 8th grade so it would be great to recruit some Sherwood teachers and 7th grade teachers. 

One new addition to our tech blog - Deremy 2.0 - are pages that link to collections of resources on Learnist. I wrote about Learnist previously in this blog post. It is a site very similar to Pinterest but more focused on education. It is an excellent tool for curating and sharing online resources with others. Anyway, our goal is to create "learn boards" for different types of technology. So far, we have two learn boards set up: 

When you click on these links, you will find a compilation of resources for both Google Drive and EE. These are the best, most helpful online resources we have found, including relevant posts from our own blog. If you know of other helpful resources that you think should be added, or if you have created something yourself, please share it with us so everyone can benefit!

We will continue to add resources to these two learn boards, and we plan to create new learn boards as well. Let us know if you have recommendations for other iPad apps that you would like for us to compile resources for. The next learn board we plan to create on Learnist will be a list of presentation tools students such as Prezi and Haiku Deck. 

Again, please contact with any questions, comments, or suggestions!

Jeremy Mularella

Derek Pizzuto

Deremy 2.0 blog:

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